Keynote Speaker

Nicolás García Mayor

Top Social Innovator and Motivational Speaker, founder and CEO of Cmax System INC among others Corp's and NGO's, Ten Oustanding Young Person of the World by JCI United Nations. Laureate Industrial Designer, Emmy nominated & Business for Peace in Oslo. Peacebuilder & TED Talks Speaker

Speaker's U.S. Fee Range

$10,001 + (Speaker fees fluctuate based off engagement location, scope of work and availability)

Languages Spoken

English, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan.

Travels From

Washington D.C. USA. Fly from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport

Ten Oustanding Young Person Of the World

In 2014 Nicolas Garcia Mayor was honored by the Junior Chamber International, a large international nonprofit for young adults who want to make a positive difference globally. JCI chose him as one of ten outstanding young people of the world for his “contribution to children, world peace and human rights.”

Extraordinary Ability & Brilliant Talent

Honored as Permanet Resident of US regarding their extraordinary ability through sustained national and international achievements have been recognized in the field of Social innovation and humanitarian creativity.

30 Most Young Cultural Innovators in the world

Nicolas García Mayor, an industrial designer from Argentina and founder and director of ar estudio, on working to pool resources and innovation to help tackle humanitarian issues like the refugee crisis. Mayor was a participant at the second Salzburg Global Forum for Young Cultural Innovators.

Argentine Creative

Award given by Argentine Creative Circle, award given to people who stand out for their originality and creativity.

Ambassador of Argentina country brand

The Ministry of Tourism of Argentina and the National Institute of Tourism Promotion have appointed the industrial designer Nicolas Garcia Mayor, Ambassador of the Country Brand for his career and leadership in the field of social innovation.

Latin America Development Leadership

Awarded by the Senate of the Nation for his work on behalf of their communities and the progress of society. Created by Federación Argentina de Municipios (FAM), Federación Latinoamericana de Ciudades Municipios y Asociaciones de Gobiernos Locales (FLACMA),  Senado Argentino, Asociación Club Shalom Argentina.

Biography Nico

Nicolas Garcia Mayor is an Argentine entrepreneur and industrial designer focused in humanitarian development, social innovation and environmental preservation. Garcia Mayor worked and lived worldwide conducting various architectural and innovation design projects.  He was selected to join the World Industrial Design Summit in Cannes and Berlin as a consultant to leaders such as BMW, Audi, Coca-Cola, Google and Facebook among other companies. Since 2000 he has worked as an industrial humanitarian designer, identifying, designing, developing and implementing innovative solutions in countries in South America and abroad, including Haiti, Mexico, United States, China, Austria, Spain, France, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, Uganda. Today, his designs travel around the globe and have been showcased in many countries.
Among other many recognitions, Junior Chamber International of United Nations awarded Garcia Mayor with Ten Outstanding Young Person of the World TOYP for his contribution to children, world peace, and human rights. With his humanitarian innovation called Cmax System, he was invited to present in the 68th the United Nations General Assembly in New York City. Garcia Mayor was also invited to Vatican City by Pope Francis for the humanitarian work refugees. The government of Argentina honored him with one of the country’s highest awards, the Ambassador of Argentina Country Brand, and the Argentine Senate bestowed the award for Latin America Development Leadership on him. In 2016, the U.S. government gave him permanent residency status, citing “extraordinary ability” and “brilliant talent.”

United Nations - New York City

JCI United Nations - Lipzig/Germany

TED Buenos Aires

University of Monterry - Mexico

CNÑ Washington D.C.

TED La Plata

Creative Industries - Buenos Aires



Interamerican Development Bank - Washington D.C.


Ciudad de Mexico

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